Categories: News

Turkey Mayor Considers "Armenian" Disgusting


00:04, 25.03.2015

Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) member, Mayor of
Ankara Melih Gokcek, has filed a lawsuit against Istanbul-Armenian
journalist Hayko Bagdat.

Bagdat had tweeted: “They have officially given the capital city to an
Armenian. Shame on you.” Subsequently, Gokcek had issued a statement
and considered it an insult to be called Armenian, reported Hurriyet
daily of Turkey.

In addition, the mayor filed a lawsuit with the court claiming that
he was insulted by being called “Armenian.”

“Using a word in the sense of disgust towards someone so loved
and honored by the people is a serious violation of my client’s
personality rights, and a great disrespect against anyone who has
voted for, supports, loves, and honors my client,” specifically reads
the respective statement by Melih Gokcek’s attorney.

nina hovnanian:
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