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Public denials undermine efforts to fight impunity – UN council adop

Public denials undermine efforts to fight impunity – UN council adopts
genocide prevention resolution

11:36 * 28.03.15

On March 27, The United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) adopted a
resolution on the prevention of genocide, which was introduced by the
Permanent Mission of Armenia to the United Nations (UN), the Armenian
Weekly reported.

The resolution on the prevention of genocide (A/HRC/28/L.25)
recommends that the General Assembly designate December 9 as the
International Day of Commemoration and Dignity of the Victims of
Genocide, “in order to raise awareness of the Convention on the
Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide and its role in
combatting and preventing the crime of genocide.”

The resolution also reiterates that the fight against impunity is key
in the prevention of genocide. It also underscores the need to
identify the root causes of genocide, and suggests that a list of
contact points be established to strengthen efforts toward genocide
prevention. It also underlines the importance of genocide education,
and expresses the need for “enhanced international cooperation.”

The resolution further “condemns the intentional public denial or
glorification of crimes of genocide and crimes against humanity as
defined by international law, and notes with concern that public
denials create a risk of further violations and undermine efforts to
prevent genocide.”

On Feb. 13, the government of Armenia approved a motion declaring
December 9 as a “Day of Remembrance of Victims of All Genocides.”

nina hovnanian:
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