Sargsyan: Absence Of EEU Borders Not A Big Obstacle To Yerevan


Central Asia General Newswire
April 9, 2015 Thursday 7:25 PM MSK

MOSCOW. April 9

Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan believes the absence of borders
between the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) countries will not hider
business activities in this integration association.

“Our businessmen have to fill out transit declarations to carry goods
through the neighboring countries. But I think it’s not something
that can considerably affect the cost of goods or business profits,”
he said in an interview with MIR television.

At the same time, Sargsyan said that “the EEU is not just trade.”

“This association is base don four principles: freedom of movement of
goods, services, capital and workforce. And technical capabilities
in the 21st century make it possible to use these freedoms without
much effort,” he said.

Sargsyan also spoke for more intensive cooperation in the CIS.

“I think humanitarian cooperation cannot be replaced with anything
now. We have lived together in one country for a long time. We had
very strong ties and now that we are independent these ties need to
be strengthened, or at least we should ensure that these ties do not
stop,” Sargsyan said.

“For this reason, I think this organization is very useful and it
needs to be strengthened,” Sargsyan said.