AAA: Assembly Presents Armenian Genocide Exhibit at Holocaust Museum

Date: April 14, 2015

Contact: Taniel Koushakjian
Telephone: (202) 393-3434
Email: [email protected]


Turkish Consulate in Miami Attempts to Block Discussion of Armenian

NAPLES, FL – On Sunday, April 12, Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly)
Communications Director Taniel Koushakjian presented the `Iconic Images of
the Armenian Genocide’ exhibit at the Holocaust Museum and Education Center
of Southwest Florida to mark the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide
which began on April 24, 1915.

With a capacity filled hall, Koushakjian discussed the systemic nature of
the killings step by step, and presented the 20-panel exhibit highlighting
details through the photographic evidence taken by eyewitnesses at the
time, including American missionaries and German officers. The fourth in a
series of digital exhibits released free of charge, ‘Iconic Images of the
Armenian Genocide’ brings together as a single collection key images
recording the brutal mistreatment of the Armenian population of the Ottoman
Turkish Empire and the utter destruction of their historic communities.

In an outrageous move to impede a program on human rights education, the
Turkish Consulate in Miami sent a letter trying to block discussion of the
Armenian Genocide. `It is a disgrace that the Armenian diaspora chooses to
identify itself with hatred of Turks, anti-Turkism in other words, as well
as with outright dismissal of any chance of reconciliation and better
relations between Turkey and Armenia,’ wrote Ozgur Kivanc Altan, Consul
General of the Republic of Turkey in Miami in the letter addressed to the
Holocaust Museum of Southwest Florida. `This is disturbing, yet not
surprising, as the [Armenian] diaspora sought in recent years to hijack the
Holocaust in an attempt to garner support for a distorted presentation of
the events of 1915,’ read the Turkish complaint.

`We deeply appreciate the Holocaust Museum’s leadership in continuing the
program as planned and are confident that Taniel’s presentation was well
received,” said Assembly Executive Director Bryan Ardouny. “Despite cynical
attempts to silence the truth, the truth will prevail,” added Ardouny.

In addition to Sunday’s program, Koushakjian also gave a presentation of
the Armenian Genocide on Saturday, April 11 for a group of a dozen
educators from surrounding Collier, Hendry, Lee, and Monroe counties as
part of a public teacher workshop on Holocaust and human rights education
at the Holocaust Museum and Education Center of Southwest Florida.

Established in 1972, the Armenian Assembly of America is the largest
Washington-based nationwide organization promoting public understanding and
awareness of Armenian issues. The Assembly is a non-partisan, 501(c)(3)
tax-exempt membership organization.


NR: # 2015-023

Photo Caption 1: Armenian Assembly Communications Director Taniel
Koushakjian speaking to the audience about the Armenian Genocide.

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