Categories: News

"Armenian Women’s Front" Calls For The Release Of Political Prisoner


04.16.2015 12:55 epress.am

“Armenian Women’s Front” civil initiative organized a protest action in
front of the RA Presidential Palace on Wednesday, April 15, demanding
the release of theconvicted members of “Founding Parliament” opposition
movement, “Noyan Tapan” news agency reported.

The women in front of the Presidential Palace held posters with the
pictures of the arrested oppositionists. One of the placards read:
“Women Against Dictatorship: Release the political prisoners,
Dictator! We will not back down, we will attack!”

At the start of the action the protesting women stood in front of
the gates of the President’s office, while police officers tried to
remove them by force. The demonstrators, however, managed to stand
their ground remaining in front of the residence with placards in
hands. The entire time law enforcement officers urged the women not
to approach the gates of the Presidential office, cross the street
and continue their protest action on the Ïpposite sidewalk.

The protesters eventually gave in, crossed the Baghramyam Avenue,
stood on the carriageway for a while with posters in hands, before
going down the gates of the National Assembly building and continuing
their protest action there.

The representatives of “Armenian Women’s Front” said that the protest
actions would be ongoing, that they would “appear everywhere” and
inform everyone of the arrests taking place in Armenia for as long
as the government does not meet their demands.

Recall, members of “Founding Parliament” opposition movement were
detained on April 7, and charged with organization of mass disorder
(RA Criminal Code Article 225 Section 1) on April 9. They were
sentenced to a two-month imprisonment.

Video source – Noyan Tapan

Badalian Vardan:
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