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Etyen Mahcupyan Did His Job – Ruben Melkonyan


13:33 * 17.04.15

The appointment of Etyen Mahcupyan as chief advisor to Turkey’s premier
and his retirement is nothing, but a part of a “democratic” show made
by Turkey, expert in Turkic studies Ruben Melkonyan told Tert.am.

“Turkey has found itself is a rather serious situation after the Pope’s
remark and the European Parliament’s resolution. And pretending to be
a tolerant state allowing people to organize academic comnferences
on the Armenian Genocide has actually proved to be a show. And the
current development in Turkey are the best evidence of that state’s
thinking,” Mr Melkonyan said.

According to the Hurriyet newspaper, the reason for Mahcupyan leaving
his post is his age.

His recent statement on the killings of Armenians in 1915 at the hands
of the Ottoman Empire were a “genocide,” evoked a strong reaction
in Turkey.

Asked if Mahcupyan used the term “genocide” because he was aware he
would retire for age reasons, Mr Melkonyan said:

“Etyen Mahcupyan may have been involved in general tendency. Although
he hardly has any serious ties with the Armenians and cannot be
considered an Armenian figure, he is an intellectual and cannot stand
aloof from international tendencies.”

Badalian Vardan:
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