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Australian MPs Condemn Vandalism Of Assyrian Genocide Monument


AINA Assyrian International News Agency
April 17 2015

Posted 2015-04-17 07:14 GMT

(AINA) — Members of the Australian Parliament have condemned the
vandalism of the Assyrian Genocide Monument located in Bonnyrigg,
a suburb of Sydney. The monument was defaced yesterday with offensive
language and racial insults towards the Assyrian, Armenian and Jewish
communities (AINA 2015-04-16).

MP Guy Zangari, the Shadow Minister for Trade and Tourism, issued
the following statement:

It is with deep sadness that the Fairfield community deals with
the vandalism of the Assyrian Genocide Monument for the fourth time
since 2010.

This cowardly attack on the Assyrian Genocide Monument is totally
unacceptable and un-Australian.

There is no place in our community for this type of offensive and
hurtful behaviour.

It is extremely disappointing to know that the perpetrators have no
regard for the thousands of souls lost at the hands of the Ottoman
Empire from 1914-1918.

Our community must unite and join hands to stand up to racism.

Let us all keep the Assyrian community in our prayers and thoughts
during this difficult time.

MP Dr. Hugh McDermott issued the following statement:

I am deeply saddened and utterly disgusted to learn about the vandalism
to the Assyrian Genocide Monument in Bonnyrigg that occurred earlier
this week.

The Monument, which pays tribute to the hundreds of thousands of
Assyrian lives lost in an act of genocide was spray-painted with
hateful messages and symbols against the Assyrian people.

Even to this day, Christian Assyrians face persecution in the Middle

The Assyrian people are an important and highly valued part of our
multicultural society. Australians from all backgrounds stand together
in condemning racial vilification and will not be deterred by the
hateful actions of one person or very few people who do not reflect
our values or the Australian way of life.

Today I met with fellow MPs and leaders from the Assyrian community
to discuss ways to prevent future vandalism to this site. We will
soon approach Fairfield Council with our plan to ensure this never
happens again.

I will continue to support the Assyrian people in their struggle in
this country and overseas.

nina hovnanian:
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