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BAKU: US State Department’s Statement Aims To Interfer In Azerbaijan


APA, Azerbaijan
April 17 2015

[ 17 April 2015 14:02 ]

“It would better if the U.S paid attention to the restoration of
the rights of over one million Azerbaijani refugees and IDPs who
deprived of their fundamental rights and freedoms as a result of
Armenian occupation”

Baku – APA. The April 16 statement by the US Department of State
on Azerbaijan is surprising, Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry spokesman
Hikmat Hajiyev told APA.

Hajiyev said the rule of law, protection of fundamental freedoms and
the independence of judiciary is fully ensured in Azerbaijan.

“No one is prosecuted in Azerbaijan for his or her political views or
activities. Azerbaijan fulfills its international commitments. Rasul
Jafarov was prosecuted for tax evasion, embezzlement and his other
illegal actions. All are equal before the law, and activities of human
rights defender do not exempt them from liability. The US Department
State’s statement that runs contrary to the rule of law is aims to
interfere in the domestic affairs of Azerbaijan,” the spokesman noted.

Hajiyev said that the U.S. should first require from Armenia, which
has occupied the Azerbaijani territories in violation of the norms and
principles of international law, the UN Charter and the Helsinki Final
Act, the fulfillment of its international commitments and withdrawal
of its troops from the occupied Azerbaijani territories.

“As a continuation of its aggressive policy, Armenia holds provocative
military exercises in the occupied Azerbaijani territories, and the
U.S. does not react to it. It would better if the U.S., which has
an interest in criminal cases under the protection of human rights,
paid attention to the restoration of the rights of over one million
Azerbaijani refugees and internally displaced persons who deprived
of their fundamental rights and freedoms as a result of Armenian
occupation,” he added.

nina hovnanian:
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