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California State Museum opened exhibit on Armenian Genocide

California State Museum opened exhibit on Armenian Genocide

April 18, 2015 14:02

On March 31 the California State Museum in Sacramento opened its
landmark exhibit highlighting Armenian history and culture. The
exhibit captures the Armenian people’s journey through the Armenian
Genocide, Artsakh, and the outstanding contributions of Armenians to
California’s culture and history.

STEPANAKERT, APRIL 18, ARTSAKHPRESSÖ? The exhibit titled `Armenian
Journey: From Shattered Past to Prosperity’ comes just 20 days before
the Armenian National Committee of America ` Western Region’s
California Advocacy Day set for April 19-20 and is part of a long list
of Genocide Centennial commemorative events sponsored by the
California Armenian Legislative Caucus and planned in partnership with
the ANCA-WR, with the help of Armenian Museum of Fresno Chair Varoujan
Der Simonian at and around the State’s Capitol, Asbarez reports.

`We are proud to bring together such a unique collection of artifacts
which displays Armenian culture and immigration. The `Armenian
Journey’ exhibit honors those lost in the Genocide, while highlighting
milestones throughout our collective journeys to our new home away
from our homeland,’ stated Assemblymember Nazarian. `Educating
communities throughout the Golden State of our people’s journey from
persecution to prosperity ensures the past is remembered but never

`The Armenian exhibit on display at The California Museum honors the
remarkable lives and legacies of whom this great state became not only
a place of refuge, but a place to pursue dreams, prosper and thrive.
It is due time these remarkable stories honoring the lives of those
who so deeply enriched California’s own diverse history are shared
with and celebrated by all Californians,’ remarked ANCA-WR Executive
Director Elen Asatryan. `We extend our deep appreciation to the
California State Museum, the California Armenian Legislative Caucus
and all those who made this exhibit possible and especially commend
Assemblymembers Katcho Achadjian, Adrin Nazarian and Scott Wilk for
their leadership and dedication to ensure the success of this poignant
and highly-informative project,’ added Asatryan.

Pulitzer and Academy award-winning author William Saroyan, California
Governor George Deukmejian, and Academy and Grammy award-winning
actress and singer Cher Sarkisian are just a few of the notable
Armenians highlighted in the exhibit amongst other significant
contributions made by Armenians across industries such as agriculture,
medicine, religion, entertainment, technology, and the arts. According
to the California State Museum website `Original art, historic
photographs, cultural objects and rare artifacts illustrate the
significant achievements of Armenian Californians from the farms of
Fresno to the stages of Hollywood and the halls of government in

`The California Museum thanks the California Armenian Legislative
caucus for partnering with us to bring this compelling story of
survival and the California Dream to our audience. The California
Museum strives to tell the story that is not often available in text
books or known by the general population, but are by their nature the
fabric of our culture and society. This story is a prime example,’
stated California State Museum Executive Director Dori Moorehead.

Also on display are eyewitness testimonials from the Armenian
Genocide, the orphan rugs ` rugs woven by the orphans of the Armenian
Genocide, the history of Armenia’s adoption of Christianity as a state
religion, and the efforts of the Near East Relief (NER) ` the United
States’ oldest Congressionally-sanctioned non-governmental
organization which for the first time in American history expressed
the collective generosity and humanitarianism of the American People
and ultimately saved the Armenian nation from total annihilation
during and in the aftermath of the Armenian Genocide.

Over a period of 15 years from 1915 to 1930, the NER successfully
saved over 1,000,000 refugees and 132,000 orphans of the Armenian
Nation and other Christian minorities half a world away. Despite its
initial fundraising goal of $100,000 which was later raised to $30
million, the NER ultimately raised $117 million, the equivalent of
$2.7 billion in today’s dollars.

`Armenian Rugs Society commends the management team of Californian
Museum for undertaking the planning of the exhibit titled `Armenian
Journey: From Shattered Past to Prosperity”A truly remarkable
presentation of cultural objects reflecting the life of Armenian
immigrants and highlighting their contributions to the State of
California,’ stated Armenian Rugs Society President Hratch
Kozibeyokian. `For the realization of this exhibit ARS has gladly
provided two historical carpets woven by the Armenian orphans in the
orphanages of Aintab and Ghazir and an assorted authentic samples of
antique hand woven textiles and embroideries unique to the Armenian
culture,’ added Kozibeyokian.

The exhibit will remain open through August 2, 2015. A special tour of
the exhibit has been scheduled on Monday, April 20, 2015 during the
ANCA WR CA Advocacy Day. For individuals/groups from the Los Angeles
area who are interested in participating in the CA Advocacy Day and
viewing the exhibit, bus transportation to and from Sacramento as well
as lodging will be provided. The bus will depart on Sunday, April 19,
2015 at 9AM and will return the following evening on Monday, April 20,
2015. The last to register for Advocacy Day is Saturday, April 11,
2015, 11:59pm. To register, please visit ANCAWR.org/Advocacy Day. For
more information about Advocacy Day, visit , email
CAstate@ancawr.org or call (818) 500-1918.

nina hovnanian:
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