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Dutch MEP: Current Turkish government bears great responsibility for

Dutch MEP: Current Turkish government bears great responsibility for
wounds of history

15:39, 19.04.2015
Region:World News, Armenia, Turkey
Theme: Politics

The Turkish government bears a great responsibility for wounds of
history, the Dutch MEP from European People’s party Esther de Lange
told Armenian News – NEWS.am, referring to the European Parliament
resolution on Armenian Genocide and Turkey’s continuing denial policy.

“We believe that in a democracy it is necessary to deal with one’s
past and come to terms with it. It was not the current Turkish state
but the Ottoman Empire that was responsible for what happened to the
Armenians 100 years ago, but the Turkish government should realize
that it bears a great responsibility to help heal the wounds of
history,” Esther de Lange said.

On April 15, the European Parliament adopted a resolution by a
majority vote, urging Turkey to recognize the Armenian Genocide in
order to contribute to the “reconciliation of the Armenian and Turkish
people.” The document calls on Turkey to restore its diplomatic ties
with Armenia, open the border and strive for economic integration.

Badalian Vardan:
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