Stepanakert: Azerbaijani Leadership Giving "Wehrmacht-Style" Orders


by Marianna Lazarian

Wednesday, April 22, 16:18

Azerbaijan’s leadership is giving “Wehrmacht- style” orders, David
Babayan, NKR President’s Spokesperson, told ArmInfo when commenting
on Azerbaijani defense minister’s order to the manpower to immediately
destroy any moving military object on the Line of Contact.

According to Babayan, such orders prove that inadequate persons are
in power in Azerbaijan.

“Nevertheless, such orders, threats, and attempts can neither frighten
us nor panic. If Azerbaijani forces make a sabotage attempt, breach
the ceasefire or anyhow threaten our country, we will retaliate
adequately,” the Artsakh president’s spokesperson said.

As for the current tension on the Karabakh-Azerbaijan Line of
Contact, Babayan explained this with a range of factors, including
the approaching centennial of the Armenian Genocide – April 24.

“Ceasefire breaches intensify on April 24, on May 9 -Shushi Liberation
Day. This once again shows the inferiority complexes of the Azerbaijani
people and leadership,” Babayan said and called Azerbaijan a
nationalist country.

Earlier on April 22, Azerbaijani Defense Minister Zakir Hasanov met
with Personal Representative of the OSCE Chairman-in-Office Andrzej
Kasprzyk. “The personnel stationed along the contact line have been
ordered to immediately destroy any moving military target, and the
order is followed unconditionally,” Minister Hasanov said.

It is noteworthy that Armenia’s Defense Minister Seyran Ohanyan
called a meeting of the Command Staff earlier today to underline the
need the stay alert ahead of the Armenian Genocide Centennial. The
minister said the adversary intensifies its sabotage attempts on the
dates of special importance for the Armenian people. Seyran Ohanyan
charged the Command Staff of the Armenian Armed Forces to closely
follow the adversary’s actions these days.