Country Of Missed Opportunities: What Is Awaiting Armenia?


Igor Muradyan, Political Analyst
Comments – 22 April 2015, 20:24

At the end of the ’80s the impression was that Armenia was entering
into a more favorable political period of modern history, and one
needs to follow the developments attentively and act accordingly.

There was a lot of lip service and very little money.

At that time the massive rallies seemed to be the essence of history.

In fact, only their noise and wish to desert are left. Then the
Armenian society deserted successfully, leaving their own country in
the hands of adventurers. Then, however, there was no awareness of
what a serious action they were going to encounter.

September 3 put a full stop to the period of anticipation and patience
of the West. In the fall of 2013 most supporters of the Atlantic bias
of Armenia were speaking confidently about the reasons of breaking up
with the European Union and facing to the marginal Eurasian bloc. A lot
of arguments, reasons and factors were listed. However, the president
refused grants of 4.5 billion euro. What had scared the president to
give up on this? It has not been understood yet.

Presently, the politicians of different Western states are competing in
ignoring Armenia. There are hopes related with the military circles
which can ignore the government’s guidance and lead the country
towards NATO. Even after the failure of European integration of
Armenia expectations regarding NATO remain but they did not come true
either because the Armenian government followed Russia’s guidance. The
Armenian military circles surrendered in the political field without
a battle, reluctant to spoil their careers and welfare.

Within the year following September 3 the United States and the U.K.

were trying to figure out the prospects and status of NATO-Armenia
cooperation. Armenia has never been ignored by NATO and the Western
community. The developments in Ukraine made Armenia a NATO enemy
without an exaggeration. We are trying to be delicate but the situation
is more serious. Armenia is not present in a single presentable and
realistic project, economic and military programs, is not going to
participate in any serious project.

The “problem” for United States is how to avoid discussions of
the Armenian issues if they cannot be used even in the anti-Turkish
direction. The United States is even reluctant to enter into any debate
and make claims on Armenia’s domestic policy. What’s the purpose if
the country has stopped being a subject of international law?

The United States has announced through its ambassador that Armenia
need not expect financial assistance from the United States, and
this was anticipated provided the huge dynamics of the international
policy. The country that has been ignored by the United States will
not be assisted by the EU either.

The time is up when the West can reply the question directly: does
Armenia remain Russia’s vassal or in a worse state and will the West
wish to integrate with a country where the logic and moods of big
layers of the society are incomprehensible if it takes fundamental
steps in its foreign policy? According to the West, the public in
Armenia is sick and cannot realize the trouble it is in.

Not a long time ago twenty representatives of the Armenian Diaspora
met in Rome. They arrived at the conclusion that “the Armenians made
some mistake”. They should not have ignored the opinion and interests
of the West, and in the upcoming decades Armenia will not be able to
survive as a sovereign state.

A French businessman said the time has come when Armenia must live
under Russia’s foot. It was meant that it is necessary to wait for
the collapse of Russia, the loss of its present status. In addition,
none of those present made up their mind to invest money in Armenia.

Something was said about humanitarian aid but without any enthusiasm.

No doubt, the Armenian people have achieved their goal, loss of
sovereignty, and let everyone understand that they do not need
a sovereign state. We should congratulate all the campaigners of
capitulation. How can the United States and NATO bid for Russia’s
vassal. This is absurd. What complementarism are they talking about?

Presently, it is ridiculous to talk to the politicians of the West
about Armenia, there is no curiosity, let alone interests. Some are
trying to consider Armenia’s geopolitical “advantages” but if the
United States has successfully bypassed Turkey as a geopolitical
partner it will bypass Armenia as well.

Russia has already demonstrated that it does not need Armenia as a
partner. Armenia does not interest anyone, let alone its reputation.

It would be good to call an international conference and discuss
the following question: how is Armenia going to survive as Russia’s
vassal? But who will take part in that conference? Perhaps only
Russian experts and drunken members of the Russian parliament.

The Armenians, independent from their education, have not realized
that all the opportunities have been missed. Even the recent meager
offers are gone.

There is no time, everything is clear, and nobody wants to deal with
such a country. Apparently, no opportunity of history and international
politics has been used, not even partly.