Why Has Obama Sent Secretary Of Treasury?


Naira Hayrumyan, Political Commentator
Politics – 23 April 2015, 16:00

Yesterday the members of the American presidential delegation to visit
Yerevan on April 24 were announced. The presidential delegation is
headed by the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Jacob Lew. The other
members are mostly Congress representatives.

Why the minister of finance? After all, Obama could have chosen a more
“political” official.

Interestingly, the government approved the sales agreement on Vorotan
Hydro Cascade to Contour Global. At any rate, choosing Lew is a little
strange. What did Obama mean to convey? Is this a response to the
“requests” of the Armenian government which eventually end up in
begging for money? What have the Armenians asked Obama for? Since
his choice stopped on the Treasurer, the Armenians must have asked
for money.

During Against Genocide Crime forum Serzh Sargsyan mentioned 4 pillars
of the centenary of the Genocide. It turns out that all this noise
is about four goals: memory, recognition, prevention and rebirth.

During the talks and the other events everyone diligently avoid the
“claims” word. It turns out that nobody demands anything from Turkey,
everyone is happy, and everything the Armenians want is to save the
world from future genocides.

It is possible that this stance has determined Obama’s choice. To
put it in more simple terms, the United States hinted at the waiver
of claims to Turkey by Armenia and generally the nature of Armenian
