The EAFJD President, Kaspar Karampetian, on behalf of the European Armenian Federation condemned the terrorist attack in the Kurdish populated town of Suruc, in Turkey, offering his condolences to the families of those killed and wishing a rapid recovery to the hundreds of injured.
“This terrorist act is all the more monstrous, considering, that the youth was gathered in Suruc to go and volunteer in Kobanê, to assist the reconstruction of the city after the destruction by Daesh (ISIS). Our thoughts go to the families of those 31 people killed and the hundreds injured”, said Karampetian.
Karampetian stressed that this is clearly the result of the Turkish authorities openly supporting the terrorist Daesh group. “Sooner or later, Erdogan’s policy of supporting the terrorists in Syria would turn against him; unfortunately this has been the case now, with the loss of innocent young lives”, said Karampetian.
“The European Armenian Federation for Justice and Democracy with all its organizations joins the Kurdistan National Congress (KNK), the People’s Democratic Party (HDP), the Party of European Socialist (PES) and the whole democratic world, in condemning this terrorist act. It’s the moral obligation of democratic forces to support the Kurds in their fight for Democracy and Justice”, concluded Karampetian.