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NKR Defense Ministry: Azerbaijan fully responsible for consequences of escalation

“The frequency of the provocative actions by the Azerbaijani armed forces at the frontline and the quantity and type of the weapons used come to prove that the military-political leadership of Baku pursues the policy of creating a war-like situation,” the NKR Defense Ministry said in a statement.

“The recent developments at the line of contact and the accompanying belligerent statements are a proof of the said. Not only Azerbaijan is trying to present its attacks as a response to the steps of the Armenian side, but also using reactive rocket and artillery weapons as it shells the Armenian positions,” the statement reads.

The Ministry warns that “the tactic adopted by the military-political leadership of Azerbaijan not only causes unjustified and irreversible losses, but also threatens to lead to unpredictable consequences.”

The military-political leadership of Artsakh informs both the Defense Ministry of Azerbaijan and the international structures involved in the settlement of the Karabakh conflict, namely the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs, that the Azerbaijani side carries full responsibility for the further escalation at the line of contact and the deriving consequences.

Yeghisabet Arthur:
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