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Artsakh President congratulates Armenia on Independence Day

On 21 September Artsakh Republic President Bako Sahakyan sent a congratulatory letter to President of the Republic of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan in connection with the Independence Day.

The letter runs as follows:

“Your excellency, Mr. Sargsyan,

I cordially congratulate You and our whole nation on the 24th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Armenia, a holiday that symbolizes our century-long will and resolution to be free and independent.

Having lost the statehood the Armenian people were subjected to multiple trials for centuries, resisted encroachments of the enemies and suffered severe deprivations. However, they never despaired, never lost their national identity, faith, language and never relinquished their goals even for a moment.

These goals became reality in 1991 when the independent statehood was restored on the ancient Armenian land. That was the path to the salvation of our nation, a way to victories and achievements, realization and self-affirmation that the Armenians pass with dignity and overcome all the difficulties and hindrances due to their unity and unwavering spirit, day by day solidifying and strengthening the native country and carving its reliable future.

Respectful Mr. President,

I congratulate You and all our compatriots on the Day of Independence once again. I wish peace, successes and all the best to our people and Mother Armenia – the Motherland of all the Armenians, the source of pride and confidence”.

John Hovhannisian:
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