On 5 October Artsakh Republic President Bako Sahakyan issued a congratulatory address in connection with the Day of Teachers.
The address runs as follows:
“Dear teachers,
On behalf of the Artsakh Republic authorities and on my own behalf, I cordially congratulate you on the professional holiday.
This day is traditionally marked every year as an assessment of a teacher’s extremely significant and honorable work and a manifestation of our gratitude towards them. It is among the unique professions that has been always highly appreciated by people, enjoyed the love and respect of the public. Over the centuries teachers have not only educated and brought up the younger generation but also helped the people with their wise advices and recommendations in the most difficult situations. It is not accidental that in ancient times people named their prominent representatives as teachers.
Today too the teacher occupies his worthy place in our society. I am confident that all the disciples remember their teachers with love and warmth, those who remaining adherent to their noble title, diligently convey their knowledge and experience to pupils, help them become worthy individuals for their Motherland.
The state always keeps the sphere of education and science in the spotlight of attention, prioritizes solving issues existing here, implements various programs for building and reconstructing schools, creating conditions corresponding to modern standards, continuous raising the education level.
Dear friends,
I once again congratulate all of you on the Day of Teachers and wish peace, robust health, happiness and all the best”.