Armenian delegates have raised the issue of violation of the Armenian air space by Turkish helicopters on the sidelines of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly’s annual session held in Norway October 9-12. Member of the Armenian delegation Tevan Poghosyan has informed NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg about the incident and addressed a letter to James Appathurai, the Secretary General’s Special Representative for the Caucasus and Central Asia and hopes to receive a response early in November.
Armenian delegates Tevan Poghosyan and Koryun Nahapetyan believe the issue should be addressed, but without escalating tensions.
“If NATO really values the inviolability of borders of its member states, it would be reasonable for the Alliance to serve an example and apologize for the incident, even if it has been caused by weather conditions. The incident is really an extraordinary and one, and I think NATO, of which Turkey is a member, should react to this case. Clear explanations are needed,” Tevan Poghosyan said.
Armenia will host NATO Week from November 1 and the issue is expected to be addressed within that framework.
During the NATO PA discussions on the Syrian crisis and the issue of refugees, Armenia came forth with concrete proposals. “Armenia has hosted more than 16 thousand refugees,” Koryun Nahapetyan said. He added that it would be correct for NATO to provide assistance not only to member, but also partner countries.