Syrian forces capture new heights West of Aleppo, gain upper hand in Damascus

The Syrian Army announced today that its troops alongside the country’s popular forces have made a significant advance and captured more heights after a tough battle against the terrorist groups in the Western part of Aleppo province, Fars News Agency reports.

“The pro-government forces’ operation in the Western part of Aleppo province has forced the militant groups to withdraw forces from al-Zeitoun and Hazmar Heights,” the army said.

“The militant groups left scores of dead and injured members and fled the battlefields,” the army added.

“The government forces have started to hunt rest of the militants in the newly captured heights,” the army went on to say.

The Syrian army also continued to advance against the Takfiri militants in a key town of Damascus province after fierce clashes with the terrorists.

Informed sources said on Monday that the Syrian troops continued to advance in al-Bilaliyah village in Eastern Ghouta, and reached to the area of Dawar al-Bilaliyah after fierce clashes with militant groups that left a group of terrorists dead and injured.

The army also managed to secure a road in the region where the soldiers are combing the roads and defusing the mines and explosive devices there as the terrorists fled in a state of confusion.