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Bako Sahakyan: Army is the pride of the entire Armenian nation

On 28 January Artsakh Republic President Bako Sahakyan sent congratulatory address on the Day of the Army to the Republic of Armenia President Serzh Sargsyan.
The address runs as follows:
“Honorable President Sargsyan,
On behalf of the Artsakh people, the authorities and on myself personally I would like to convey sincere congratulations on the Day of the Army, a holiday that is considered very important for all the Armenians.
The glorious Armenian army is the offspring of independence, the pride of the entire Armenian nation, which it loves and cherishes like its child. Its brave soldiers, following the lead of their ancestors, devotedly carry out the sacred duty of defending the Homeland, performing and displaying unique feats and courage.
You have had a great personal contribution in the establishment and formation of the Army, its ongoing enhancement and development. You are doing everything possible for consolidating defense capability of the two Armenian states, solving issues and reaching goals of nation-wide nature.
I once again congratulate You and the whole personnel of the Republic of Armenia’s armed forces on this cherished holiday and wish peace, good health and great success for the glory of Mother Armenia and the native people”.

Hambik Zargarian:
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