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President Sargsyan meets representatives of Greek Armenian community

President Serzh Sargsyan, who is in Greece on official visit, met with the representatives of the Armenian structures in Greece. At the beginning of the meeting, the President expressed gratitude for the opportunity to communicate in a warm and sincere atmosphere and informed on the extensive agenda of his official visit to Greece, results of his negotiations with President Prokopis Pavlopoulos, issues under discussion, and answered questions raised by the participants.

Serzh Sargsyan stated with contentment that the centuries-long Armenian-Greek warm relations have not only been preserved, but have entered the stage of the interstate and political ties in which according to the President, the Armenian community has had an important role. “I am living blissful moments each time when our Greek partners speak about the input of the Armenian community to the development of the Greek state, when they speak with special warmth about the diligence, dedication, and organized nature of the Armenians,” said President Sargsyan. Along with the Armenian-Greek relations, the President spoke about the issues on the internal and external agenda of our country which this year celebrates the 25th anniversary of independence, process of Armenia’s advancement, ideas and priorities, the most important issues facing Armenia and Spyurk, current regional and international challenges, numerous events organized as a result Armenia’s and Diaspora’s coordinated efforts and dedicated to the centennial of the Armenian Genocide, including activities aimed at the international recognition and condemnation of the Armenian Genocide. “Greece is among the countries which was not only among the first to recognize the Armenian Genocide (in 1996) and announce April 24 the official day for commemoration of the victims of the Genocide, but also in 2014 criminalized the denial of the genocides of the Pontiac Greeks and Armenians. We will never forget the invaluable assistance of Greece and the Greek people extended to the Armenians during the Metz Eghern and in consequent years, when boats loaded with the Armenian refugees anchored at the seaport of Piraeus. With the help of Greeks, Armenians settled in Athens, Salonika, Thessaly, on the vast plains of Macedonia and Thrace and elsewhere and received unconditional support and assistance of the Greek authorities. Today too, we are witnessing active participation of the high-level officials of Greece in the commemoration of the Armenian Genocide, particularly in the events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Genocide. We are watching closely activities carried out by the Armenian community and with this regard I would like to give special thanks to the working group which was coordinating the events dedicated to the anniversary, its supporters, to all structures and individuals for the exceptionally high level of the events. We are fully aware that the centennial was a milestone which gave our struggle a new impetus. We should use this experience and achievements to move the Armenian Cause further in the most organized and synchronized way.

Dear attendees,

We truly have only two lasting values – Armenia and the Armenian nation. Everything else is subordinate to them. Thus, our strategic task is to have a strong and organized Spyurk, and the crucial task for the Spyurk is the preservation of the Armenian identity, in the name of our future generations fight against assimilation and loss of our culture and language. We have to make joint and persistent efforts on this direction, we should develop and call to life the most purposeful and far-reaching programs. I am confident that a strong Fatherland is the primary key for the preservation of the Armenian nation. By amassing the entire potential of our nation, we must build a strong and secure Armenia. Among the critical issues that Armenia and Spyurk face together is assistance to our compatriots who find themselves in a dire situation. Over 17000 of them have relocated to Armenia, and the Fatherland has been striving to support them in every possible way. I am glad that our plea to help the Syrian Armenians was joined by the Armenian communities all over the world, including your community which allowed to considerably alleviate their daily needs, especially in Syria.
Dear Compatriots,

This year our entire nation will celebrate the 25th anniversary of Armenia’s independence with a great splendor. After the collapse of the Soviet Union we have had ups and downs, accomplishments and losses. Last twenty-five years have been full of difficulties and situations which seemed impassable. We became independent under really complex conditions – on the north the country had been struck by a devastating earthquake, we were in a war which was forced on us, Turkey and Azerbaijan imposed a blockade; in addition, the imperative to carry out fundamental reforms in the political and economic structures positioned us face to face with multiple challenges. But we didn’t give up: we won in the war imposed on us and stepped on the road leading to state building and development. Today, there still exist numerous factors and negative phenomena which hinder our normal advancement, but in this context I would like to mention an important fact: state is an absolute value – we must believe in our statehood and be devoted to it. Statehood, just like our families, needs a day by day care. In our state we represent both the positive and the negative; we cannot ascribe all good things to ourselves and reject the negative, or speak only about shortcomings, disregarding the accomplishments. We are the ones who create our state, each and every one of us, through our endless dedication and all together – through our united and common work.

Despite difficulties, in a quarter of century of our independence, we have had success which makes our progress irreversible. We have formed democratic institutions, civil society, and created vital prerequisites for the development of our economy. In these 25 years, our country became a full member of the international community, bringing its modest contribution to the international peace and security. Thanks to our transparent and consistent foreign policy, we have been able to avoid perilous geopolitical upheavals, establishing mutually beneficial partnership with various forces involved in our region. Nevertheless, state building is an incessant process: democratic institutions and the legal field should be upgraded constantly to bring their best to our citizens and expedite the achievement of our goals. As you know, recently we have introduced the most important changes to the Main Law of Armenia – the Constitution. This process propels us to a qualitatively new level of development which in my deep conviction will greatly promote the creation of the most open, most just and fair society, the most inclusive participation of the political units in addressing problems facing the country and will create the foundation for making the life of our future generations more favorable and more secure. Empowered with the twenty-five years of independence, today we look into the future with a greater confidence; we see and acknowledge our problems and we are making steadfast steps forward,” said President Serzh Sargsyan at the meeting with the representatives of the Armenian structures of Greece.

Diana Dabaghian:
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