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Cyprus condemns Armenian Genocide on 101st anniversary

President Nicos Anastasiades on Sunday condemned the Armenian Genocide by the Ottomans, which he called “a disgrace in the history of mankind,” reports.

“The government expresses its full solidarity and sympathy to the Armenian people, supporting the effort for recognition of the Armenian Genocide by the international community,” Anastasiades said in a written statement.

On Saturday night House President Yiannakis Omirou said all civilised states should recognise the Armenian genocide to avert similar crimes against humanity.

He was speaking at service at the Armenian church in Nicosia to mark Sunday’s anniversary.

Omirou condemned Turkey`s policy of ethnic cleansing and expansionist designs and reiterated Cyprus` solidarity with the Armenian people, in their struggle to have the genocide recognised by the international community. Armenians in Cyprus are part and parcel of the history and the struggles of the people of Cyprus and identify with the traditions of the country in addition to contributing to political, economic and social life, he said.

Recalling that April 24 has been designated as Day to commemorate the Armenian Genocide, Omirou referred to the ruthless methods Ottoman Turks had applied to wipe out the Armenians.

“The Republic of Cyprus stands firm by the Armenian people in their struggle for justice and recognition of the genocide,” he pledged, recalling that the House has adopted numerous resolutions recognising and condemning the genocide and brandishing as criminal offence the denial of the Armenian and other genocides.

It is imperative that all civilised states recognise the Armenian Genocide to avert a repetition of such atrocities, Omirou stressed, pointing out that crimes of the past have gone unpunished, in spite of being proven by historical facts.

Lara Antonian:
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