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Tribute to the memory of fallen soldiers

Today, President Serzh Sargsyan together with His Holiness Catholicos of All Armenians Garegin II visited the Victory Park in Yerevan and accompanied by the veterans, the highest commanding staff of the RA Armed Forces, high level state officials, representatives of the Freedom Fighters NGOs, representatives of the diplomatic corps laid a wreath at the tribute of the Unknown Warrior. On the occasion of the victory in WWII and anniversary of the liberation of Shushi, the President of Armenia paid tribute to the memory of the heroes who fell defending their Fatherland in the name of peace.

Together with the participants of the event, Serzh Sargsyan viewed the march with the participation of the units of the RA Armed Forces, RF border control units, regiments of the ceremonial troops, cadets of the V. Sarkissian Military Institute and students of the M. Melkonian Sport and Military School.

Later, the President of Armenia visited the field kitchen traditionally opened at Victory Park on the occasion of May 9 Holiday. He congratulated the veterans gathered at the tent around the dinner table and conversed with them on the issues of their interest.

Arpi Talalian:
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