Armenian by choice: Daniel Decker’s new song “Araks” slated for release in October




“I want to see Armenians on both banks of Araks River,” says American singer Daniel Decker, who has been a citizen of the Republic of Armenia since 2015.

The singer is paying his 15th visit to Armenia. “I’m here to support the Armenian people at this hard moment following the April events,” the singer told reporters in Yerevan.

“Being an Armenian is a philosophy, a state of mind, not only blood,” said the singer, who has released a CD titled “Armenian By Choice.”

Daniel Decker and composer Ara Gevorgyan have launched a new project called “Araks.”

“I want to see Armenians on both banks of River Araks. Perhaps, this was the main reason for writing the song,” he said.

According to him, “Araks is not half-Armenians, it has always been a symbolic river for Armenia and the Armenian people.” The song is slated for release in October.

Armenia-related songs are included in Decker’s repertoire, but are not meant for the Armenian audience only. The Turkish pressures and persecutions are powerless against his resolve to tell the truth.

“I’m not interested in any pressures. What I’m interested in is the truth, and the truth is that there has been an Armenian genocide and Artsakh is an Armenian land,” Decker said.

To conclude with, he performed a song and dedicated it to Armenian soldiers.