A group of intellectuals has issued an appeal to Jirair Sefilian , urging him to interfere and prevent the undesirable development of events by calling on his friends to lay down arms and surrender to the authorities.
The statement reads:
“Dear Jirair,
We appeal to you assured that you value and attach importance to the word of intellectuals, their request and kind advice.
Your friends, who are our compatriots, have resorted to a radical step – an armed attack – and have taken people hostage, a Police Colonel has been killed.
Relying upon your good sense and patriotism, we are confident that with your wisdom and calls you will interfere and prevent this irresponsible and short-sighted situation and undesirable consequences of the developments by urging your friends to lay down weapons and surrender to the authorities.
We are confident that your and your friends’ further reasonable and watchful steps will be targeted at national unity, peace and security.”
The appeal has been signed by:
Ruben Babayan, director
Hovhannes Chekijian, director
Edward Topchyan, conductor
Tigran Mansurian, composer
Perch Zeituntsyan, writer
Yervand Manaryan, actor and director
Robert Elibekyan, artist
Ruben Matevosyan, singer
Sasun Paskevichyan, composer
Levon Malkhasyn, jazzman,
Alexander Grigoryan, director
Arthur Grigoryan, composer
Norayr Mehrabyan, choreographer
Sona Hovhannisyan, choir conductor
Shushan Petrosyan, singer
Narek Hakhnazaryan, musician
Nune Yesayan, singer
Zhirair Dadasyan, director
Robert Mlkeyan, choir conductor
Vahan Badalyan, director
Arev Petrosyan, artist-designer
Narek Duryan, actor
Sergey Smbatyan, choir conductor
Roland Sharoyan, writer
Alla Levonyan, singer
Nikolay Tsaturyan, director
Gevorg Hakobyan, singer
Ruben Hovsepyan, writer