OSCE Foreign Ministersā€™ meeting in Potsdam to address the Karabakh issue

The informalĀ meetingĀ ofĀ OSCEĀ Foreign Ministers in Potsdam tomorrow will discuss the Karabakh issue, OSCE Chairman-in-Office, German Foreign Minister Frank Walter- Steinmeier has said in a statement issued ahead of the meeting.

ā€œIn the crisis-ridden world of today, the OSCE is perhaps more important than ever – in crisis management in eastern Ukraine, Transnistria, Nagorno-Karabakh and other conflicts in Europe as well as in the maintenance of peace and security,ā€ he said.

Mr. Steinmeier added that reference will be made to the strengthening of fundamental freedoms and democratic standards and will address new challenges such as international terrorism or the consequences of flight and migration.

An important issue on the agenda is the arms control. ā€œI think now is the right time to gain a momentum for more transparency, risk prevention and confidence building here,ā€ the OSCE Chairman-in-Office said.