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Arman Saghatelyan: Public Radio of Armenia will always retain a leading role




“The Public Radio of Armenia will always retain a leading role with its outspread, capacity, traditions and staff,” Arman Saghatelyan, Executive Director of Public Radio of Armenia, told reporters today.

He said two public opinion polls had been conducted to reveal the preferences of the public and review the broadcasting policy.

“What we found out is that the public needs social information, consulting, explanation. This refers to different spheres –healthcare, finances, agriculture, human and consumer rights, etc,” he said. Saghatelyan added that the new schedule in the new season will come to fill the gaps.

“Some programs will air live, which will provide the listeners with an opportunity to immediately interfere with the work of the radio station, ask questions and receive answers to issues of concern,” the Executive Director said.

“At the same time, the decades-long traditions have been maintained,” he said. “We have wonderful, beloved programs and authors. New voices will be heard along the familiar ones, which, I’m confident, will become no less beloved in a short period of time,” Arman Saghatelyan said.

Emma Nadirian:
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