Prosecutor General-nominee meets with representative of parlaimentary factions




Candidate for Prosecutor General’s post Arthur Davtyan had a meeting with representatives of four factions represented at the National Assembly today.  He pledged to ensure the publicity of activity of the Prosecutor General’s Office, if elected.

At a meeting with representatives with the Republican Party, the Armenian Revolutionary Federation, Orinats Yerkir and Heritage factions, Davtyan presented his approaches and answered questions.

The parliamentary forces seem not to mind Davtyan’s candidacy. Head of the Republican faction Vahran Baghdasaryan described him as “experienced,” while Armen Rustamyan of ARF said “he’s a promising candidate.”

The Prosecutor General’s post has been vacant since Gevorg Kostanyan announced his resignation on August 4. The National Assembly shall elect the new Prosecutor General by a secret ballot.