President introduces newly appointed Prosecutor General to the staff

President Serzh Sargsyan visited today the RA Prosecutor’s Office and introduced to the leadership of the Office – members of the Board, prosecutors from the marzes and garrisons and heads of the subdivisions the newly appointed Prosecutor General Arthur Davtian.

At the beginning, the President of Armenia thanked the former Prosecutor General for his efforts and noted that during his tenure there has been register certain progress in the upholding the rule of law in the country, as well as in the fight against crimes and abuses, including in the system of the Prosecutor’s Office.

The President wished all the best to the Prosecutor General Arthur Davtian and the employees of the Prosecutor’s Office headed by him in furthering their activities. Serzh Sargsyan underscored that Arthur Davtian possesses all necessary knowledge, experience, willpower so that our country could register success with the assistance of the employees of the Prosecutor’s Office. The President of Armenia stressed the importance of bringing together efforts and giving a new impetus to the activities of the Office and noted that in any country there can be no success in the economic or public and political areas as long as there is no progress in the judicial system.

Gevork Kostanian thanked the President for the assessment of his work and assured that combined efforts of all employees of the Office allowed the structure to make a step forward. The former Prosecutor General expressed confidence that works aimed at the establishment in our country of law and order and strengthening of the legal system will continue with the same principled stance, consistency, and energy. He wished every success to the newly appointed Prosecutor General.

Prosecutor General Arthur Davtian thanked for the trust vested in him. He assured that the staff of the Prosecutor’s Office is well aware of the problems facing the country as well as of the importance of solving the tasks set before the Office and will do his best to find the most efficient avenues to solve them and meet everyone’s expectations.