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Minister Nalbandian briefs President on Armenia’s involvement in international organizations

Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian briefed President Serzh Sargsyan on the Foreign Ministry’s activity towards ensuring Armenia’s active involvement in international organizations. Minister Nalabndian presented the achievements and future plans, the chairmanship of the International Organization of the Francophonie, the organization’s reference to Nagorno Karabakh in its recent statement.

Minister Nalbandian reported on a number of meetings to be held within the framework of international organizations – the priorities of Armenia at the meeting of Foreign Ministers in Vienna dedicated to nuclear security, the “Support to Armenia” mission within the framework of NATO, the Open Government Partnership Global Summit in Paris, the OSCE Ministerial meeting in Gamburg.

President Sargsyan called Minister Nalabndian’s attention to the directives to be given to diplomats during the traditional meeting with Armenian Ambassadors expected in Paris.

Serzh Sargsyan instructed to hold the next meeting with diplomats in Armenia. The President presented his views on intensification of economic diplomacy.

Liana Toganian:
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