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Aleppo battle ends as Syria rebel deal reached

Photo: AFP


Military action has ended in eastern Aleppo, Russia’s ambassador to the UN, Vitaly Churkin, has said, the BBC reports.

He said Syrian government troops had re-established control over the last areas of the city held by rebels.

He said an arrangement had been made for rebel fighters to leave.

“According to the latest information that we received in the last hour, military actions in eastern Aleppo are over,” Mr Churkin told an emergency session of the UN Security Council.

Earlier he had spoken of the deal allowing the rebels to leave, saying it would take place within hours.

“The civilians, they can stay, they can go to safe places, they can take advantage of the humanitarian arrangements that are on the ground. Nobody is going to harm the civilians,” Mr Churkin said.

Rebel groups suggested that civilians would be included in the exodus.

Diana Dabaghian:
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