The resolution of the Karabakh conflict is impossible without Artsakh returning to the talks, Spokesman for the NKR President David Babayan said in an interview with Public Radio of Armenia.
Speaking about the expectations from the settlement process,the Spokesperson said “the emphasis will be put on the maintenance of stability, as there is no other option at this point.”
“It is impossible to reach a comprehensive settlement without Artsakh returning to the negotiating table, but there are no prerequisites to believe that this will happen in the near future,”David Babayan said.
However, he sees changes in the behavior of the international community.
“The international community is trying to open at least one of the brackets. The criticism of Azerbaijan has grown, the term ‘Nagorno Karabakh Republic is being used by international structures more frequently,” Babayan said.
Member of the NKR National Assembly Hayk Khanlaryan has no expectations from the negotiation process.
“It would be desirable for Artsakh to return to the negotiating table as soon as possible, but it’s nearly impossible considering Azerbaijan’s stance and the current political conjuncture,” he said.