Sandra Kardashian ad her husband Hratch Kardashian have opened an Armenian bakery in Taylor, reports.
Yes, they are related to the “other” Kardashian family.
That’s one of the first questions Sandra Kardashian gets asked by people who stop into her new business, Kardashian Bakery and Grill
Her husband, Hratch Kardashian’s father, was the second cousin of Robert Kardashian, the father of the famous sisters.
The store is the first Armenian bakery in Michigan, according to Sandra Kardashian, and also has a large Italian menu.
“Why cook just one style of food,” she said. “That would get boring.”
She is of Italian descent, her parents immigrated from Naples, Italy, while her husband Hratch is from Armenia.
“I do all the cooking though,” she said. “My husband doesn’t cook.”
Sandra comes from a background working in a hospital, but gave it up to run the bakery after her husband found the location. Hratch works in the printing industry, and kept his job there.
Read the full story .