President Serzh Sargsyan meets demobilzed soldiers and those still in service

During his working visit to the Republic of Artsakh, the President of the Republic of Armenia, Commander-in-Chief of the RA Armed Forces Serzh Sargsyan today met in Shushi the soldiers demobilized in 2017 as well as the ones still in service.
Moreover, he had meetings with the couple of demobilized officers and with the group of military servants who demonstrated courage and valor during their service. The President was accompanied by the RA Minister of Defense Vigen Sargsyan as well as by the legendary soldiers such as Lieutenant General Norat Ter-Grigoryants and Major General Arkadi Ter-Tadevosyan, whose path can serve as an example for the current military servicemen.

During this traditional format of the meeting, the President proposed soldiers to speak openly about their concerns, ideas on the defense sector modernization, reforms, further strengthening and development of the homeland and to come up with suggestions. Serzh Sargsyan expressed his willingness to answer questions given by the participants of the meeting, listen to the opinions of soldiers on the ideas such as “Pativ unem (I have an honor)” and “Es em (It’s me)” proposed earlier by the Minister of Defense.

“It was after the first meeting when the idea to make these meetings regular was born, hoping that the conversation previously taken place in Dilijan on January will have its further development and last in the same way. This enables us, from one perspective to use these meetings as an incentive, because the probability is quite low for many of you to meet such people as Komandos, Norat Ter-Grigoryants in real life, and from another perspective, it gives us an opportunity to focus on the issues and circumstances that might not be visible for us at first sight, for example the comfort of your uniform, weapons integrity and combat readiness issues.

Today is a very memorable day for all of us, because if not this day 25 years ago we would not be able to sit here and we would have already lost the Artsakh world, because the liberation of Shushi allowed us to fully mobilize our forces, become “nation-army”, reach completely liberated Karabakh and at least ensure the safety of those who live here.

Nowadays, many try to interpret, some of them from the positive viewpoint and some from the negative, others somewhat ironic, the idea proposed by the Minister of Defense, in other words the idea of “nation-army.” The ones who do not fully grasp the very essence of this idea I will advise to interact with the people who took active participation in the liberation war, regardless whether they were part of the armed forces or they lived civil life.
I want you, while assessing the merits of others and the merits of the ones who have made our victory possible, also to assess your merits, because if it were not for you and soldiers before you, it is obvious, that the victories of the older generation would not cost even a penny. Victory is a victory when you can maintain it. Assessing your merits you should be claimant and active in order our country to develop, have an opportunity to keep its armed forces and equip armor”, – President said at the beginning of the meeting.

The Minister of Defense Vigen Sargsyan presented to the RA President and participants of the meeting another project named “Ditaket (Outlook)” being implemented in the framework of the modernization and reforms of the defense sector. According to the Minister, this project will address all the existing problems units-by-units with the participation of demobilized servicemen, give solutions to them and ensure maximum transparency and accountability in the army.

The President welcomed and stressed the importance of the project’s contribution. He also instructed to report him periodically about the project results for him to be able to make conclusions.