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Armenia to provide families of fallen soldiers with housing

We are a nation of gardeners, but grow into a nation-army at times of trouble, President Serzh Sargsyan Sargsyan says.

“The ‘Nation-Army’ doctrine offered by the Defense Minister aims to bring up a responsible citizen in the society,” President Sargsyan said at the “Nation-Army 2017” conference dedicated to issues of the military-educational sector.

“Today’s conference is a tool for strengthening the ties between our society, especially the youth, with the Armed Forces,” he added.

The President said the state will continue to take practical steps concerning its citizens, who have chosen to be Officers. “We’ll also maintain the policy of special care for handicapped soldiers and the families of fallen servicemen,” he added.

The President said he has instructed the Ministry of Defense to take practical steps to provide the families of fallen and handicapped soldiers with housing. “The issue must be solved by 2019,” he stated.

According to the President, the best defender of the country is the one who realizes the share of his responsibility towards the Motherland.

“Responsibility is not an abstract and sublime concept. Responsible is the one who has his own corner or is at least confident that he can earn that corner with honest work,” he said.

“Nation-Army 2017” has been organized by the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Education and Science.

Representatives from the defense and education sectors, heads of public and higher education institutions, teachers, lecturers, representatives of scientific centers and NGOs have been invited to participate in the forum.

Lara Antonian:
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