Categories: 2017

Armenia`s Deputy Foreign Minister`s statement in BSEC caused Erdogan`s uncertain reaction

ARMINFO News Agency, Armenia

Armenia`s Deputy Foreign Minister`s statement in BSEC caused Erdogan`s
uncertain reaction

Yerevan may 22

Mariana Mkrtchyan. Armenia`s Deputy Foreign Minister Ashot
Hovakimyans's statement during special meeting of the BSEC Council of
Foreign Ministers caused the Turkish President Erdogan`s uncertain

According to Azerbaijani Media, Hovakimyan called on the Speaker of
Milli Majlis of Azerbaijan Oktay Asadov not to use the platform of
BSEC for political speculations.

Immediately after the Hovakimyan's statement, Turkish President
Erdogan stated that he is not agree with Hovakimyan. "None of the
representatives speaking here made political blames and assessments.
But you dedicated all your time to that what in my opinion is not

To note, Oktay Asadov during his speech said, "25 years ago BSEC was
created for long-term, tight cooperation. It is pity that during these
25 years our region became more dangerous, new conflict took place and
the prospects of the development of the region are under serious
threat. The human tragedies grow, the number of inhumanity, cruelty of
people. But for Azeris, in particular, for more then a million of
refuges it not something new. Armenia continues the occupation of 20%
of Azerbaijani territories and through that violates the security and
stability of the region. "The occupation of Azeri territories by
Armenia" create obstacles for regional cooperation. Unfortunately, on
of BSEC members continue its intolerance and aggression. The ideology
of Armenia made itself a mononational state and hinders both itself
and the region to develop. Armenia steel ignores the supremacy of the
International Law by refusing to implement 4 resolutions of UN
Security Council. That is why I would like to tell everybody that the
primitive way of thinking of the Armenian leadership is unhealthy. It
is of no doubt that Azerbaijan will fully restore its territorial
integrity within the norms of international law".

Jane Topchian:
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