Armenia’s Yenokavan community to have recreation and entertainment place in French atmosphere

Armenpress News Agency , Armenia
June 6, 2017 Tuesday

Armenia's Yenokavan community to have recreation and entertainment
place in French atmosphere

YEREVAN, JUNE 6, ARMENPRESS. Recreation and entertainment place in
French atmosphere will be created soon in Yenokavan community of
Armenia’s Tavush province, reports Armenpress.

The author of the initiative is French philanthropist Bernard Zhanen
who visited Armenia during the 1988 earthquake as a rescuer.

Within the frames of journalists’ tour in Yenokavan, Bernard Zhanen
said his regular visits to Yenovakan community resulted in the idea to
implement business program at this place. “Later I was joined by my
son and Armenian businessman of Russia Felix Margaryan. The complex
will be in the village, adjacent to the Church from where a beautiful
view towards the river and forests opens”, he said.

The program launched in 2015. It is expected that the restaurant to
operate in the complex will only serve French dishes. “While
conducting the construction works a special attention was paid on not
damaging the Armenian village’s environment. Later we plan to acquire
some part of consumed food from Yenokavan residents”, Bernard Zhanen

Co-author of the program Zinavor Meghryan told reporters that at the
moment the guesthouse of the complex is completely constructed,
consisting of three floors, having rooms both for corporate and family
groups, as well as a restaurant and reception. Currently the
administrative building is at construction stage. Over 35 workers were
engaged in construction works, with 200.000 AMD average monthly
salary. Nearly 600.000 USD was spend for construction of the
guesthouse. “The hotel will consist of 4 two-storey buildings where 16
rooms will be located. Later the number of rooms is expected to reach
28. The complex will also have SPA center, as well as outdoor heated
pool”, Meghryan said, adding that the opening ceremony of the complex
will be held on September 21, 2017.