Categories: 2017

Medicine: 25-30% prevalence of high blood pressure in Armenia, cardiologist says

Panorama, Armenia
June 9 2017

 “The cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the leading cause of death in all over the world. In the general mortality table, 50 percent of death cases are caused by complications of cardiovascular diseases,” Parounak Zelveian, President of the Armenian Cardiologists Association and Head of the Preventive Cardiology Center said at a press conference on Friday.

In Mr. Zelveian’s words, it is necessary to fight the risk factors in order to reduce the cardiovascular mortality rates, pointing out the elevated blood pressure as one of the major CVD risk factors.

“The medicine has long stated that keeping the arterial hypertension under efficient control reduces the number of cerebrovascular accidents in a patient, prolonging life expectancy,” the doctor said.

Parounak Zelveian assured that the high blood pressure must be treated at the patients of all age groups, dismissing the rumors that the issue should be neglected in case of the adults.

Meantime, the cardiologist informed that on 1-30 June, Armenia has jointed the Blood Pressure Screening Programs initiated by the World Hypertension League, together with several other states. As part of this program, it is expected to examine over 25 million people worldwide within a month to determine the epidemiological situation of the disease.

The doctor calls on the people to check their blood pressure, record the results at sirt.am website and immediately receive online evaluations by a doctor.

“Only 12,5 of the hypertensive patients in the world receive efficient treatment. There are countries where the figure is up to 50 percent. In Armenia the figure is very low, amounting to 10 percent,” Parounak Zelveian said.

The doctor reminded the Armenians that any temperature and magnetic field fluctuations influences the blood pressure, recommending the people suffering from hypertension to avoid direct sun exposure and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

The speaker went on adding that the prevalence of high blood pressure makes up 25-30% worldwide, with the same figure registered in Armenia. Meantime, Parounak Zelveian urged people to have their blood pressure checked twice every day, in the morning and evening hours, and immediately apply to a doctor in case the readings exceed 140/90.

Jack Hunanian:
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