Western Prelacy News – 6/9/17

June 9, 2017
Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America
H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate
6252 Honolulu Avenue
La Crescenta, CA 91214
Tel: (818) 248-7737
Fax: (818) 248-7745
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.westernprelacy.org



        On Sunday, June 11, 2017, H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian,
Prelate, will preside over Divine Liturgy and deliver the sermon at Forty
Martyrs Church in Orange County. 
        During requiem service, prayers will be offered for Sarkis Yegenian
on the 40th day of his passing. Sarkis Yegenian was a founding member of
Forty Martyrs Church and Ari Guiragos Minassian, long-time Board of Trustees
Chairman, and Western Prelacy delegate.



        On Sunday, June 4, 2017, on the feast of Pentecost, H.E. Archbishop
Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, presided over Divine Liturgy and delivered
the sermon at Holy Cross Cathedral in Montebello. Divine Liturgy was
celebrated by Rev. Fr. Ashod Kambourian, who was assisted at the altar by
deacons, including Armenian Mesrobian School Principal David Ghoogasian.
        On this day, the annual Senior Baccalaureate Service was held, a
tradition begun over three decades ago honoring the graduating class of
Mesrobian School. The students were in attendance to receive Holy Communion
and the Prelate's blessings as they prepare to embark on the next phase of
their lives. The Mesrobian Middle and High School Performing Arts Choir,
third grade students, and Sunday School students attended and performed in
the service. Executive Council Secretary Mr. Antranik Kasbarian, former
principals and teachers, students' families, and members of the Holy Cross
and Mesrobian School family were among the faithful in attendance. 
        Prior to delivering the sermon, the Prelate joyfully greeted the
Holy Cross Cathedral family and especially the graduating class of Mesrobian
School, to whom he conveyed his congratulations and message. As they prepare
for the next phase of their lives, His Eminence reminded the students that
anything is possible when they place their trust in God and also believe in
themselves. Thus, he urged them to always pray, to be strong and courageous,
and not be discouraged, and also reminded them that our church and community
is always available to them as a support system, to provide a listening ear,
a helping hand, encouraging words, strength, and support. The Prelate
greeted also the members of Prelacy Bible Study Groups, whose dedication to
teaching the Word of God he commended.
        His Eminence next delivered his sermon on the feast of Pentecost and
its message of renewal, beginning by giving an overview of the episode which
occurred ten days after the Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ when one
hundred and twenty people had gathered to pray in the Upper Room in
Jerusalem when suddenly there came a powerful wind and a fire that separated
into individual tongues or flames and came to rest on each of their heads.
Those who were present received the source of were filled with God Himself,
they were transformed into new beings, reinforced in their faith, armed with
spiritual strengths and wisdom, emboldened and reinvigorated, and ready to
begin their commission of spreading the good news of salvation across
continents. It was the birth of the church.  
        The Prelate stressed that the gift of the Holy Spirit was not only
for those gathered on that day of Pentecost, rather for all those who put
their faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. "With the Holy Spirit
dwelling within us, we have the power to live in the way God has called us
to live, to serve Him in the way He has called us to serve, to overcome
obstacles and defeat sin, for nothing and no power can withstand the power
of God. All things are possible when we live in the presence and power of
the Holy Spirit," he stated. Thus, he called on all the faithful, as
individuals and as part of the collective, to beseech the descent of the
Holy Spirit in our hearts and souls so that we too may undergo renewal and
empowerment as did those gathered in the Upper Room.
        The graduates received Holy Communion and were gifted copies of His
Holiness Catholicos Aram I's "The Armenian Church." 
        Following the service, a luncheon in celebration of the feast of
Pentecost was held at Tumanjan Hall. The Prelate presided over the luncheon,
which was sponsored by Holy Cross Cathedral Dean, Pastor, and Board of
Trustees, and organized by the Prelacy Bible Study groups, head by Mr.
Krikor Misserlian. Executive Council member Antranik Kasbarian was among the
guests in attendance. Dr. Dikran Dikranian, a long-time altar server at Holy
Cross Cathedral, served as the MC. The program featured Bile readings and
spiritual songs. Rev. Fr. Ashod Kambourian sang the day's hymn. In his
message, the Prelate reiterated the importance of renewal and of unity which
is at the heart of Pentecost. The luncheon closed with "Cilicia." 



        On Tuesday, June 6, 2017, members and friends of Ararat Home and of
the Armenian Relief Society Western Region gathered at Deukmejian Grand
Ballroom for the monthly luncheon organized by the Ararat Home Ladies
Auxiliary. Traditionally, the June luncheon is sponsored by the ARS as well
by friends of Ararat Home in memory of their loved ones.
        H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, delivered the
invocation and conveyed his well wishes. He was accompanied by Archpriest
Fr. Razmig Khatchadourian. Board Chairman Michael Surmeian was in
attendance, alongside staff members. The Prelate beseeched the blessings of
the Lord upon the Board, administration, staff, and volunteers of Ararat
Home for the loving care they provide to our beloved elders, upon the
members of the ARS for their dedicated service to the welfare of our
brethren in Armenia, Artsakh, and throughout the Diaspora, and upon the
guests for their support to the worthwhile mission of Ararat Home and the
ARS. He wished continued successes to all and good health to the residents. 
        On behalf of the ARS Regional Executive, remarks were delivered by
Mrs. Nanik Kupelian. The Ararat Home Ladies Auxiliary surprised the Chairman
with a birthday cake and all conveyed their well wishes to Mr. Surmeian on
this occasion.
