Categories: 2017

25th anniversary of Azerbaijan-Israel diplomatic relations marked in L.A.

MENA English (Middle East and North Africa Financial Network)

25th anniversary of Azerbaijan-Israel diplomatic relations marked in L.A.

Baku, Azerbaijan, June 16 By Elmira Tariverdiyeva - Trend: The
Consulates General of Azerbaijan and Israel held a joint event on June
12, 2017, in Los Angeles to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the
establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Israel.
The event was hosted by the Sinai Temple, which is one of the largest
and most influential synagogues not only in Los Angeles, but also in
the entire US, says an article posted on azeriamericanews.com.
Attended by over 300 guests, including consuls general of various
countries, elected officials, representatives of different ethnic and
religious communities, journalists and others, the celebration
included a discussion between Azerbaijan's Consul General Nasimi
Aghayev and Israel's Consul General Sam Grundwerg.

Speaking afterwards, Rabbi David Wolpe of the Sinai Temple recalled
the 2015 trip of 45 members of his congregation to Azerbaijan, noting
that the journey offered the opportunity to learn more about
Azerbaijan's model of interfaith tolerance and harmony up close. He
noted that celebrating the Azerbaijan-Israel relations was important
also in terms of showcasing the possibility of peace between Muslims
and Jews. Then Consul General of Azerbaijan Nasimi Aghayev and Consul
General of Israel Sam Grundwerg addressed the audience. In his
remarks, Consul General Aghayev informed the attendees about
Azerbaijan's long-standing traditions of tolerance, inclusion and
multiculturalism. Noting the centuries-long peaceful co-existence of
Azerbaijani Muslims and Jews, Consul General Aghayev said that these
bonds between the two peoples provided a strong foundation for the
emergence of close friendship and partnership between Azerbaijan and
Israel after the collapse of the Soviet Union when Azerbaijan restored
its independence. Speaking about the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict,
Consul General Aghayev emphasized appreciation for Israel's unwavering
support for Azerbaijan's territorial integrity. In this regard,
Aghayev also expressed gratitude for Israeli President Rivlin's
special reference to the 1992 Khojaly Massacre - committed by Armenia
against Azerbaijani civilians - in his 2015 UN speech on the occasion
of the International Holocaust Remembrance Day. Aghayev noted that
this was another indicator of a genuine friendship between the two
countries. Consul General of Israel Sam Grundwerg called the
environment of interfaith tolerance and harmony in Azerbaijan a great
model and example. He also highlighted the strategic nature of
Azerbaijani-Israeli partnership, encompassing many crucial areas.
Recalling the high-level bilateral visits, Consul General Grundwerg
expressed his satisfaction with the current level of Azerbaijan-Israel
strategic partnership. Touching upon the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict,
Grundwerg noted that Israel supports the territorial integrity of
Azerbaijan as well as the peaceful resolution of the conflict within
the framework of the OSCE Minsk Group. The conflict between the two
South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial
claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of the ensuing war, in 1992
Armenian armed forces occupied 20 percent of Azerbaijan, including the
Nagorno-Karabakh region and seven surrounding districts. The 1994
ceasefire agreement was followed by peace negotiations. Armenia has
not yet implemented four UN Security Council resolutions on withdrawal
of its armed forces from the Nagorno-Karabakh and the surrounding

Ophelia Vardapetian:
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