Categories: 2017

E5P Fund providing 2 million to landfill in Armenia

States News Service



The following information was released by the European Bank for
Reconstruction and Development (EBRD):

By Loretta Martikian

EBRD-managed fund to provide grant for construction of EU-compliant facility

Supporting Armenias effort to become greener, the E5P fund is
co-financing the construction of a new landfill for solid waste for
the Gegharkunik and Kotayk regions with a 2 million grant.

The EBRD, which manages the Eastern Europe Energy Efficiency and
Environment Partnership fund (E5P), and Armenias Ministry of Finance
signed the relevant agreement today. The grant will support the
construction of a new landfill with modern solid-waste management
processes, covering the collection and disposal of municipal solid
waste. It will provide major environmental and social benefits for
local residents.

Work on the project started in December 2014 when the EBRD committed a
3.5 million loan, which was complemented by a 3.5 million grant
provided by the EU Neighbourhood Investment Facility. The EU-compliant
solid-waste management system will cover eight municipalities, seven
in the Kotayk region and one in the Gegharkunik region.

The project was expanded in 2016 with an additional 2 million
sovereign loan from the EBRD. At present it covers all seven
municipalities in the Kotayk region (Hrazdan, Abovyan, Nor Hachn,
Byureghavan, Charentsavan, Eghvard, Tsakhadzor) and all five
municipalities in the Gegharkunik region (Sevan, Vardenis, Gavar,
Martuni, Chambarak).

It is the EBRDs first solid waste project in Armenia and supports the
governments plans to modernise and upgrade the countrys waste
management system to European standards.

The E5P grant of 2 million will complement the additional 2 million
EBRD loan and co-finance transfer stations, waste collection and
transfer trucks, waste containers and other specialised equipment. The
total project cost is 11 million.

E5P is a multinational fund managed by the EBRD. The EU is the largest
donor and Armenia is also a contributor to the Fund.

Angela Sax, Acting Head of the EBRD in Armenia, said: We are very
grateful to the E5P donors especially the European Union and Sweden
and the government of Armenia as well as the local municipalities for
our successful cooperation. The E5P grant is a very important
contribution to this project, which will bring much-needed
improvements in waste management infrastructure. It will complement
the EBRDs loan financing and ensure the successful continuation and
completion of the project.

Ewa Manik, E5P Principal Fund Manager at the EBRD, added: The project
will bring substantial benefits to residents and the environment, will
have a strong demonstration effect and will help to develop better
public awareness of the benefits of anti-littering measures and

The EU Ambassador to Armenia, Piotr Switalski, emphasised: The EU is
the main contributor to the E5P Fund. This project is part of the
larger support that the EU is providing to Armenia in the waste
management sector. To date, we have committed 22.4 million in
non-refundable grants, which shows the importance the EU attaches to
environmental issues in the country. Our support is provided through
five different projects in Kotayk, Yerevan and Vanadzor as we are
co-financing with partners such as the EBRD, EIB or KfW.

Since the start of its operations in Armenia, the EBRD has invested
over 1.1 billion in 158 projects in the countrys financial, corporate,
infrastructure and energy sectors, with 88 per cent of these
investments being in the private sector.

Background information on E5P

The E5P is a multi-donor fund operating in the Eastern Partnership
countries of Armenia, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. The European Union
(EU) is the largest overall contributor to E5P, with committed funds
of 70 million. For E5P in Armenia, the EU has committed 10 million,
which is boosted by additional commitments from the Czech Republic,
Denmark, Germany, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Sweden and from the
Taiwan Business-EBRD Technical Cooperation Fund. The pledged funds are
to help Armenia improve energy efficiency, contributing to energy
security, economic competitiveness and policy dialogue, while having a
positive impact on the environment. Armenia is also a contributor to
E5P, with committed funds of 1 million.

The main objective of the initiative is to use grants to leverage
loans from international financial institutions for municipal energy
efficiency and environmental projects such as the rehabilitation of
water and wastewater systems, solid waste management, street lighting
and the insulation of public buildings.

Andranik Taslakhchian:
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