Categories: 2017

Armenian analyst: Turkey will return to embrace NATO

News.am, Armenia

YEREVAN. –Turkey will return to embrace NATO as a “lost son” does, ex-foreign minister of Armenia, diplomat Arman Navasardyan told Armenian News-NEWS.am.

Deterioration in Germany-Turkey relations continues, and there is a point when deviation in the diplomatic line requires political, economic, military efforts or resumption of ties becomes impossible, the diplomat explained. There are also unfavorable global processes and complex international relations, part of which are both Berlin and Ankara.

“Germany revealed the antidemocratic and authoritarian policy of the Turkish regime based on the facts, while Erdogan called fascist a country, which freed itself from fascism and condemned it. Unprecedentedly abrupt actions followed “compliments” exchanged between the leaders of the two states that have been developing successful relations in all areas for 70 years,” he said.

German Foreign Minister Sigmer Gabriel, said, also on behalf of Chancellor Angela Merkel, that his country is not able to continue its previous relations with the Turks and withdrew the ambassador, in response to which the Turkish authorities presented the lists of people and organizations that Ankara is accusing of terrorism.

“The list includes such industrial giants as Daimler and BASF. A total of 68 legal entities and individuals. The Turkish side believes that they are agents of Fetullah Gulen who took part in the coup attempt last year,” Arman Navasardyan added.

In the center of the Turkish-German political confrontation, in his opinion, there was a military air base in Injirlik. Germany withdrew its troops, as Ankara banned the visit of German parliamentarians.

“It is expected that Berlin can apply similar actions to the military base in Konya, which caused serious concern to NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. Can the Turkish-German growing contradictions shake the foundations of the North Atlantic alliance? The current unprecedented deterioration in the Turkish-German relations, based on domestic political motives, tends to go beyond the bilateral relations,” the expert believes.

It is for this reason, he continued, that Berlin (and not only) is concerned about changes in Turkey's policy towards the East. Merkel, who sees herself as the “ruler” of Europe is deeply concerned about Erdogan's rapprochement with Moscow. She believes Russia-Turkey-Iran axis in the Middle East region is more dangerous and will significantly reduce the opportunities and presence of Berlin here.

The aggravation of Turkey's relations with Germany, according to Armand Navasardian, to some extent eclipses relations between Ankara and Washington.

“To say that Ankara will cross the red line of its eastern policy and get closer to Moscow so much that it will betray ‘old friends’ would be a very risky prediction. Even if Erdogan manages to get S-400 system, Turkey was and remains Turkey. When the passions are settled and Erdogan gets the desired political and, first of all, financial dividends, he will return to embrace the 'family' as prodigal son do,” he resumed.

Markos Nalchajian:
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