Categories: 2017

Indictment was published on the case of an armed grouping – its members were going to blow up the presidential board, attack state targets

ArmInfo, Armenia

ArmInfo.In the court of general jurisdiction of the Kentron and Nork Marash communities in Yerevan today, the session of the armed group was continued under the chairmanship of Judge Armen Bektashyan.

Prosecutor Armen Aramyan read out the indictments of 20 members of  the group. According to these conclusions, former Deputy Defense  Minister Vahan Shirkhanyan, having met Arthur Vardanyan, the head of  the group, who came to Armenia from Spain, advised him to refrain  from attacks on state institutions and to consider the achievement of  regime change through the assassination of President Serzh Sargsyan.

In addition, Vahan Shirkhanyan promised to provide support to the  army in these processes or ensure at least its neutrality, as he was  personally acquainted with the then Minister of Defense Seyran  Ohanyan.  They also discussed the possibility of an explosion of the  president's personal board during his regular foreign trip. The group  also considered the possibility of striking at the presidential  residence, the buildings of the National Assembly, the Constitutional  Court, the Government, as well as the Public Television of Armenia.

According to the indictment leader of the group Arthur Vardanyan, in  April 2015 created a criminal group of RA citizens, members of the  organized group illegally acquired, stored and transported a large  number of weapons, ammunition, explosives and explosive devices,  pursuing the goal of a coup in Armenia. However, this intention was  not carried out under circumstances independent of Vardanyan's will,  since on December 25, 2015 the members of the group were exposed and  rendered harmless.

Another member of the group, Anton Totonjyan, met in April 2015 with  Arthur Vardanyan, who arrived from Spain, and financed the criminal  group that Vardanyan founded. The trial was postponed due to poor  health of Anton. The next meeting on this case will be held on July  28 at 11:00. 

Rose Khoyetsian:
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