Categories: 2017

BAKU: Creation of Russian-Armenian Military Grouping Strengthened Anti-Russian Sentiments

Turan Information Agency, Azerbaijani Opposition
July 28, 2017 Friday

Creation of Russian-Armenian Military Grouping Strengthened
Anti-Russian Sentiments

Baku / 28.07.17 / Turan: The signing of the federal law on
ratification of the agreement between the Russian Federation and the
Republic of Armenia on the joint grouping of troops on July 26 by
Russian President V.Putin caused a negative reaction among the

There is no fear and panic, but anti-Russian sentiments, of course,
intensified. Some analysts are looking for justifiable words in this
event, as the human rights activist Avaz Hasanov, who believes that
Moscow is simply leading Armenia away from signing an agreement with
the European Union. Others, like former political prisoner Tofig
Yagublu, are outraged that Baku does not abandon Russian mediation,
while Moscow has openly supported the aggressor.

"One cannot do this: one of the mediators, the co-chair of the OSCE
Minsk Group, Russia, has joined forces with the occupier of Karabakh,
whereas the Russian Federation should be an objective mediator in the
Karabakh settlement. And the leadership of Azerbaijan does not have
the courage to declare indignation and refuse such an intermediary,"
T. Yagublu writes from Philadelphia, USA.

The agreement on the creation of the united Armed Forces was signed by
Moscow and Yerevan on October 30, 2016, but both sides did not hurry
to ratify it, holding it as a means of pressure on Azerbaijan.
Unexpectedly urgent ratification of this document by the State Duma
and the Armenian parliament means that from now on Nagorno-Karabakh
and surrounding areas are occupied by a joint Russian-Armenian army
supporting local Karabakh terrorists, one of the leaders of the
political party REAL Natik Jafarli said.

"There is a serious tension between Moscow and Baku, it is obvious
that the Sochi meeting of Presidents I. Aliyev and V.Putin did not
lead to agreement. Immediately after this meeting, Russia took control
of part of the Baku-Supsa oil pipeline by its army, the Kremlin media
are attacking Azerbaijan, and our agricultural products do not enter
the markets of Russia.

We can support the government of Azerbaijan in three directions: steps
to liberate Karabakh and the surrounding areas, integration with
Western institutions and the expansion of ties, and the strengthening
of a secular state. To this end, the government should be aware of its
responsibility, pursue non-vested interests, abandon corruption
thinking, take steps to establish intranational accord, and form a new
democratic parliament and coalition government in the future. This is
the only salvation of Azerbaijan," the party REAL believes.

The political scientist Elkhan Shahinoglu also discusses the results
of the Sochi meeting of the Presidents and comes to the conclusion
that there is no unity of positions on Karabakh. This is indicated by
shooting at the Azerbaijani-Armenian front, where tension has
intensified. For the first time, the Armenian Foreign Minister visited
the occupied territories, and even came to Kelbadjar not related to
Karabakh. This is known to Moscow, but it does not react. The advance
of the Russian army to the Baku-Supsa oil pipeline is a threat to the
economic interests not so much of Georgia, but of Azerbaijan pumping
oil to Turkey. Finally, the treaty on the Russian-Armenian military
group unambiguously directed against Azerbaijan has been ratified. And
all this happened after the Sochi meeting.

Moscow wants Azerbaijan to be as obedient as Armenia and Kyrgyzstan,
fulfilling all the whims of Putin. This is impossible, since the
national interests of Azerbaijan and Russia do not coincide," said the
head of the Atlas Research Center, Shahinoglu.

On July 26, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a federal law on
the ratification of the agreement between the Russian Federation and
the Republic of Armenia on a unified grouping of troops (forces).

The signed law ratifies the agreement between Russia and Armenia on a
joint force grouping signed in Moscow on November 30, 2016. This
agreement determines the purpose, the order of formation, deployment
and application of the combined group.

The main tasks of the united group include: timely revealing of the
immediate preparation of an armed attack (aggression) against the
Russian Federation and the Republic of Armenia within the borders of
the region and its reflection; covering the overland part of the state
border of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Armenia within
the established limits of responsibility; participation in the
protection of the state border of the Russian Federation and the
Republic of Armenia in the airspace, as well as participation in the
air defense of troops and critical facilities of the Russian
Federation and the Republic of Armenia located in the region. -0-

Arpi Talalian:
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