Categories: 2017

Cultural: Qara Kelisa holds Badarak ceremony

Iran Daily

Over $466,000 allocated for renovating churches

Some 14 billion rials ($466,666) has been allocated for renovating globally registered churches across Iran, said deputy head of Iran’s Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization.

Speaking during the annual Armenian religious ceremony, known as ‘Badarak’ at Qara Kelisa Church (meaning Black Church) in Chaldoran, West Azarbaijan Province, Mohammad-Hassan Talebian further said that the identity of historical churches should be safeguarded.

He said Chaldoran has good cultural and historical potentials.

Talebian added that Qara Kelisa is the ninth Iranian monument registered on UNESCO World Heritage List.

Holding rituals in churches is indicative of the attention given by Islamic Republic of Iran to various religious and ethnic groups, he said.

Iran has an amicable and peaceful attitude toward other religious and ethnic groups, he added.

Followers of various religions and faiths co-exist peacefully in Iran, he said, adding they perform their rituals in a peaceful and secure environment.

Presence of tourists, including Armenians from countries such as Armenia, Georgia, Italy and Germany, in Chaldoran shows the security and freedom within the framework of law in Iran.

Qara Kelisa hosted annual religious ceremony of the Armenians known as ‘Badarak’ during July 27-29.

The occasion was observed to mark the martyrdom anniversary of Saint Thaddeus — one of the apostles of Jesus Christ (Peace Be Upon Him).

During the ceremony, the worshippers performed religious rites, including sacrificing sheep, lighting candles, baptism of infants, etc.

There are 400 churches across Iran such as Saint Tadeous Cathedral, Qara Kelisa, St. Stepanous Church and St. Mary Church.

Iran boasts hundreds of churches, of which 172 have been registered on the National Heritage List and one on UNESCO World Heritage List.

Qara Kelisa (Black Church) or Thaddeus Church is known among the Armenians as Saint Thaddeus. The church is the oldest in the Christian world and dates back to the 7th and 12th centuries.

Chaldoran is situated 220km north of Orumieh, the provincial capital of West Azarbaijan.

Zhanna Nahapetian:
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