BAKU: Armenian general’s letter about Azerbaijani army operations intercepted, Azerbaijan

Aug 8 2017

Tue 08:15 GMT | 4:15 Local Time

The cases of desertion and arbitrary leaving of the combat posts have become common within the Armenian army.

Though Armenians first tried to conceal such facts, the situation is gradually getting out of control. It is no accident that the commander of the defense army of the so-called republic Levon Mnatsakanyan has written a letter to the so-called prosecutor general of the so-called republic. has presented the translated version of the intercepted letter to readers:

"After the missile strikes launched by Azerbaijani armed forces from their military unit in Alkhanli village located in Fuzuli direction, a group of servicemen of the defense army of 'Nagorno Karabakh Republic' yielded to panic and escaped by leaving their combat posts.

"Unfortunately, after the panic caused by the operations of the opposite party, a group of servicemen of the same military unit tried to leave the area of the 'Karabakh Republic' (!) arbitrarily. But they failed to cross the Kalbajar police post.

"Fortunately, the group of soldiers who deserted their posts were detained by a group of officers on the Karabakh-Armenia road. The detainees were further transferred under the control of the commanders. During the interrogation, the deserters refused to answer the questions.

"However, by looking into their eyes one could understand that the soldiers who served for a year have yielded to panic due to the fear caused by the artillery fire launched by the enemy.

"Mr.Mosiyan, the soldiers who took such a step have violated the rules of military conduct, the discipline and the order by leaving their fellows-in-arms in danger.

"All the same, we ask you to apply the due punitive measures in accordance with the law, considering their actions and irresponsibility."

The letter shows that the separatist regime has lost control over its armed forces, and the occupant  government finds it difficult to control the servicemen and officers.