Traditional Armenian wedding ceremony staged at “Zvartnots” museum-reserve, turned to grandiose festive event

Panorama, Armenia

Aug 12 2017

“Weeding is a unique event in the life of every person, and everyone eagerly waits for it. Overt the time the traditions of a certain culture are transformed acquiring new features, while losing others,” the Artistic Director of “Karin” Traditional Song and Dance Ensemble Gagik Ginosyan stated ahead of the staging of Armenian traditional wedding ceremony at “Zvartnots” historical-cultural museum-reserve.

The agency for preservation of cultural heritage and the historic environment reported, the event organized at the initiative of “Teryan” Cultural foundation was aimed at reviving the forgotten traditions of the Armenian traditional wedding.

The wedding ceremony held at the Zvartnots” historical-cultural museum-reserve was choreographed by RA People’s Artist Armen Manukyan and attended not only by locals but also number of tourists wishing to get familiarized with Armenian cultural values.

According to the source, young artists Smbat Kocharyan and Anna Harutyunyan participated in a role-playing event as a groom and a bride as they themselves plan to get married and use the forgotten traditions during their wedding ceremony. 

Meanwhile, demographer Gayane Shegoyan, speaking at the event, told about her published a book on traditional Armenian wedding rituals, collecting all the traditions of the Western and Eastern Armenia.