Categories: 2017

We re in a right direction, friends!

ARMINFO News Agency, Armenia

We re in a right direction, friends!

Yerevan August 11

Alexander Avanesov. Construction sector was and remains one of the
most important branch of Armenian economy, Armenian Prime Minister
Karen Karapetyan stated during the solemn ceremony dedicated to the
Construction Day on August 11.

According to the Prime Minister, the activation of the construction
sector brings a multiplier effect to the economy. "If the construction
is actively developing, other spheres are developing, for any state
the development of the urban development sector has a multiplier
effect, having a positive impact on the development of other areas of
the country's economy." The state in which the construction sector
develops is going through a period of progress. Our ancestors left us
an exceptional heritage, which we are proud of, presenting it to the
world and generations. It is remarkable that the Armenian builders
today are developing the experience they have received from great
masters and tradition ii, building strong and beautiful building with
a modern-day application of innovative solutions and technologies ",
said Karen Karapetyan.

According to the Prime Minister, despite the statistics that the
construction sector is experiencing hard times in Armenia, one thins
is obvious: Armenian builder has always built and will build. It so
happened that the decline in the construction sector fell on a very
difficult period for the country. Karen Karapetyan stressed that at
the present time the government is making efforts to implement
investment programs in the construction sector in order to activate
urban development. "There are already numerous projects in the capital
and in the regions, and in this context, the statistics we are
currently distributing are very interesting and encouraging, and we
are ready to create additional conditions for the development of the
economy and for attracting investments, I would like to record, That
the tendencies of activation are observed in the construction sector
and we are confident that we will make progress in speeding up the
growth of the sphere, "the Armenian government head said. He added
that for the first six months of this year, according to statistics,
there is a decline in two areas - construction and agriculture.
"According to our forecasts, by October this year in the construction
sector there will be such indicators that will supplement the pace of
the last year, and by the end of 2017 there will be growth," Karen
Karapetyan said, adding that last month there were tendencies to
growth. "We are sure that we are on the right track," head of Armenian
Government said.

Lena Karagyozian:
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