BAKU: Azerbaijan and Israel: look for a black cat until it’s dark, Azerbaijan

Aug 15 2017

Tue 10:38 GMT | 6:38 Local Time

Confucius said that it is very difficult to find a black cat in a dark room.

Especially if it's not there. But it is. And it tries to run between Azerbaijan and Israel. Now it is important for Baku and Tel Aviv to find it, until darkness comes.

Azerbaijan has always regarded, and I hope, will long regard Israel as its strategic partner. Azerbaijan has a special attitude to Israel in terms of military cooperation, and close ties between official Baku and Tel Aviv, despite the absence of the Azerbaijani embassy in Israel, and cooperation in the energy sphere, etc. In general, we can't complain.

Moreover, Israel is supplying Azerbaijan with the best of its weapons, as demonstrated by the success of the Azerbaijani army during last year's counter-terrorist operation in the occupied territories.

But there is a feeling that someone (and maybe a whole group) is diligently trying to sow discord between the two countries. The attempts are made periodically and they are not always paid attention to… And this is so wrong!

It is clear that there are enemies of Azerbaijan in Israel. And they are obviously closing their ranks. For example, after the 2015 elections in Israel, among the key figures, both in the coalition and in the opposition, were the old supporters of the recognition of the "Armenian genocide", and they are closing their ranks on this issue.

I think it's not worth talking about how important is the semantics, both in diplomacy and politics, and in international public opinion. With the easy hand of Armenian nationalists, the word "genocide" was used without any ground, often accusing those who protect their civilians from aggression and terrorism, and presenting the terrorists as victims of genocide.

For example, in Israel, there is the chairman of the Meretz party – a passionate fighter for the recognition of the "Armenian genocide" Zehava Galon. She consistently defends Armenian interests in the Israeli parliament. In addition to the demand for Israel's formal recognition of the "Armenian genocide," she demanded that Moshe Ya'alon, then the Defense Minister, halt the supply of UAVs to Azerbaijan unless Baku undertakes to abstain from using drones against Armenian occupiers in Nagorno-Karabakh.

It is obvious that the attacks of the pro-Armenian lobby in Israel in the person of Zehava Galon are the attempts to damage the ever deepening relations between our two countries. In short, there is a sufficient number of enemies in the political establishment of Israel.


But not only in the political establishment. Thus, on July 30, the fake version of the Haaretz newspaper published a completely false article about the family of the Azerbaijani president. Baku's concern was caused by the fact that this information referred to the Minister of Tourism of Israel, Yariv Levin.

The reaction followed. It turned out that it was a fake, and the minister did not make such statements. However, it left an unpleasant sludge. After all, they did not know who was behind this.


Former Knesset deputy, co-chairman of the public forum "Armenia-Israel" Alexander Zinker spoke about the possibility of delivering Israeli weapons to Armenia. And Israel allegedly had offered it to Yerevan. In an interview with Sputnik-Armenia, Zinker said that bilateral cooperation can develop in any sphere, including military one.

Alexander Zinker is on the "black list" of the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry. The Israeli figure got there for being present as an "observer" in the "elections" in the occupied Azerbaijani territories.

It's no secret that Israel is one of the world's largest exporters of military equipment. But, as you know, Israeli developments are expensive, so can impoverished Armenia afford buying them?

There is no reliable, official information from the Israeli side on this matter, which once again proves that it was an informational throw-in.


But it was not the last throw-in. The Israeli Defense Ministry is verifying information that the operators of the Israeli company Aeronautics Defense Systems allegedly refused to demonstrate the capabilities of the new unmanned equipment supplied to Azerbaijan on Armenian targets, reports citing the  Ma'ariv a-Shavua.

The author of the publication, Yossi Melman writes that the relevant complaint was filed by Azerbaijan to the Ministry of Defense of Israel. Aeronautics Defense Systems dismisses the charges.

According to the source, the incident occurred more than a month ago when the Aeronautics Defense Systems delegation arrived in Baku to discuss a new contract for the supply of unmanned aerial vehicles, including so-called barrage ammunition. The publication says that the Azerbaijani military asked to demonstrate the possibilities of new technology during real military operations against the Armenian army, and were refused. The article states that the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan expected to publish a television broadcast of this attack in order to show the power of its armed forces.

The press service of Aeronautics Defense Systems categorically rejected the allegations in the complaint and stated: "The company delivers its products to customers in 50 countries, exclusively in accordance with the licenses of the Department for Defense Export Control in the Ministry of Defense." The statement stresses that operational control is always carried out by the buyer and is entirely in his responsibility. "Aeronautics never demonstrates on live targets. The same applies to this case," the statement said.


Any provocation, be it a statement of a politician or informational throw-in, gets hard on someone's ear. Especially if there is trust in the relationship. Azerbaijan's foreign policy is known all over the world for its balance. Baku, in particular, the Foreign Ministry of the country never make sudden conclusions and quick statements. They wait for the development of events, and sometimes for a meaningful culmination.

Again, provocations are straining, but Baku is trying to find this very black cat. Is Israel looking for her? I think we will find it out in a very short time …
