Armenian President instructed to keep in the center of attention issue of development sport tourism in the Republic

ARMINFO News Agency, Armenia
August 17, 2017 Thursday

Armenian President instructed to keep in the center of attention issue
of development sport tourism in the Republic

Yerevan August 17

Marianna Mkrtchyan. Minister of Sports and Youth Affairs Hrachya
Rostomyan reported to the head of the state about the achievements of
athletes involved in the programs for state action in the European and
world championships, the further steps taken to strengthen these
achievements during the working meeting with the President of Armenia
Serzh Sargsyan.

According to press service of Armenian Head, Rostomyan also reported
about the works implemented in such directions as mass sport, youth
sports and youth policy, about the problems existing in the above
areas, as well as the implementation of systemic changes to eliminate
them, the introduction of new programs.

The Minister noted that, in addition to the current programs, the
ministry headed by him developed and implemented 7 new regional mass
projects involving representatives of different social strata from all
age groups, as well as persons with disabilities, and children in need
of care. Rostomyan was instructed to work to increase the involvement
of participants in the "Best Sports Family" competition, annually held
under the patronage of RA President and other mass events.

The minister assured that thanks to the implementation of new
programs, the number of participants in mass events throughout the
country would reach 85 thousand people by the end of the year. He also
said that the Ministry had developed the concept of "Development of
sport for disabled people", "Development of domestic sport", "National
program for the dissemination of mass sports and physical culture".

President of Armenia instructed to keep the issue of development of
sports tourism in the republic, accelerate the development of the
concept of Development of sports tourism and discuss the issue of
creating appropriate conditions for promoting the development of ski,
water and other relevant sports, and opportunities to improve existing
conditions. Another presidential instruction concerned work to
increase the involvement of professional athletes with disabilities
from Armenia in international competitions.